Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Brotherly Love - Part 3
Tyler had beaten and humiliated his older step-brother and former bully, Josh, twice in two days. After discovering how sensitive and weak the humongous bodybuilder's testicles were, Tyler mercilessly targeted the overgrown but fragile organs to defeat and emasculate him. The brawny bully was reduced to a whimpering pathetic submissive by a small gymnast, a quarter of his size.
"Hey Tiny!" a loud voice stirred Josh from his slumber. He had been up all night, the throbbing pain from his abused testicles made it almost impossible to sleep. He finally managed to fall into a fitful slumber and ignored the annoying voice, turned on his stomach and covered his head with his pillow.
"Wake up, Tiny!" the voice persisted.
"Lemme alone," the massive bodybuilder mumbled.
Tyler ran his little fingers along the groggy male's ass crack, tracing a line between the huge ass cheeks repeatedly.
"Don't touch my ass, fag!" Josh growled angrily as he tried to swat Tyler away.
"Ahhhh... fuck... please... I'm sorry!" the husky beast whimpered immediately as Tyler cruelly grabbed and squeezed his fat pink balls.
"What did you call me, Tiny?" Tyler demanded, crushing the fleshy orbs, sending waves of pain pulsing through Josh's ponderous frame.
"I'm sorry, sir! I'm so sorry, sir!" Josh whined miserably, now fully awake.
"You belong to me now, and I can do anything I want to you, Tiny. Isn't that right?" Tyler barked.
Josh hesitated, and Tyler slapped his trapped, swollen testicles.
"Answer me, pig!" he demanded, raining down hard slaps on the wailing giant's aching gonads.
"Yes, sir! Yes, sir!" he desperately screamed.
"Good! Now get your fat ass downstairs and make me breakfast, or I'll break your fucking weak balls!" he threatened.
Josh groaned in pain, clutching his badly-aching testicles as he ambled to the kitchen and obediently prepared breakfast for his younger step-brother.
"Good boy! Come eat with me," Tyler commented as Josh served his meal.
"Are you going to the gym today, Tiny?" Tyler asked the sullen bodybuilder as they finished eating.
"Yes, sir," he muttered in response, and was told to go to the living room when he was done cleaning the dishes.
Josh lumbered slowly to the living room, trying to stop his traumatized testicles from sloshing around too much. Tyler smiled at his 6'7", 350 lb older stepbrother and gave him a box with a bow.
"A gift for you, Tiny. Open it," he said. Josh found a metal cock cage and a few pairs of pink thongs.
"What are these?" he asked apprehensively.
"This is for your sad little dick. I don't really care to see it, and I don't want you constantly playing with it. From today, you can only cum when I allow you to," Tyler explained, as he attempted to slip it on Josh's shriveled 2 inch member.
"FUCK NO!" DON'T TOUCH MY COCK, BITCH!" Josh erupted, and tried to kick his younger brother. Tyler's lightning reflexes saved him from a devastating kick to the head in the nick of time. The gorilla of a man was blind with rage and tried to kick Tyler again. This time, the petite teenager grabbed his massive leg and as the burly bodybuilder struggled to keep his balance, Josh's leg was twice as big as Tyler's tight, wiry body but the gymnast easily held on to it and delivered a well-aimed kick to the low-hanging pair of avocado-sized testicles swinging about like a pendulum.
The huge male screamed in anguish but Tyler sent two more kicks that smashed into the pink, bobbing, jumbo-sized meatballs before flipping his leg over his head and sending the giant flying across the living room floor.
Josh lay on the cold floor, sobbing in agony, hugging himself and trying to suppress the blazing pain in his abused babymakers.
Tyler turned him on his back, and sat on his huge barrel-like chest with his butt inches from Josh's face. He slapped his micro dick about playfully, and said, "Oh when will you ever learn, Tiny? I can easily beat your fat ass, or should I say, fat balls, any time I like. If you try to fight back, I'm just gonna hurt these big worthless lumps of meat hanging between your legs!"
Tyler grabbed Josh's bloated and battered balls to drive his point home. The colossal bodybuilder sobbed loudly as the gymnast, only a quarter of his size, yanked hard on his traumatized testicles. Tyler then quickly slipped the metal cock cage which was connected to a ring that locked snugly around the base of Josh's scrotum.
"It fits! I bought the smallest size possible, and worried if that little nub you call a cock would slide right out!" Tyler mocked as Josh fumbled at the contraption locked around his manhood.
"I have the key, and I will only unlock it when you earn to privilege to get hard or cum," he told him.
"Now, Tiny, since you are now my muscle slave, I want you to only wear these beautiful satin pink thongs from now on. You are not allowed to wear any other underwear except for these. Put one on now," he continued.
Josh obeyed and turned red with shame as he looked in a mirror. He thought he looked like a fag with the pink thong flossing and showing off his large ass. The pouch in the front accentuated the his bulging oversized testicles.
"Off to the gym, big boy. I want you to get bigger for me! I expect you to grow to 400 pounds in 2 months!" Tyler commanded.
Josh was completely mortified as he entered the gym. He tried to work out but felt utterly humiliated. His neon pink thong was clearly visible beneath his skimpy white cotton shorts, particularly after he was drenched in sweat. His bulge was more obscene than ever. Guys who used to envy and admire his massive physique were laughing derisively at him. A few even made lewd comments about Josh's pink panties. Josh soldiered through his workout, and when he got home, found Tyler waiting for him.
"Take everything off except your thong," he commanded.
Josh obeyed. His legs and ass pumped from his workout, the thong appeared even tinier on his gigantic frame.
"Drink double the amount of protein you usually do. I want this husky body growing bigger!" Tyler ordered as he patted the hulking bodybuilder's chunky gut and thick chest.
Josh submissively obeyed his younger stepbrother for two weeks. He put on another 20 pounds during this period, but grew increasingly sexually frustrated from not being able to jerk off. He couldn't even get hard because of the cock ring, and became almost insane from horniness. When he thought that Tyler was out one weekend, he went to his room and rummaged through his drawers, intent on finding the key to unlock his cock cage. Tyler returned home with his friend and fellow gymnast, Jaden. Hearing the loud rustling noises from his room, Tyler and Jaden quietly sneaked over to investigate, fearing a burglar.
Much to their surprise, they saw the thick bodybuilder clad in his bright thong bent over and searching in the cabinet, his plump ass jiggling around and his fat bulge swinging between his huge thighs.
"Tiny!" Tyler said, shocking his stepbrother.
"Uh... I was looking for... the... uh..." Josh stuttered.
"Who gave you permission to go through my things?" Tyler scolded. Josh hung his head in shame and fear, terrified of the beating he expected.
"I will need to punish you for this, muscle bitch!" he went on. Jaden eyed the massive bodybuilder with lust and desire. At 4'9", and 90 lbs he was smaller than Tyler, but had always wanted to dominate a larger male.
"Let me fight him, Ty. If he wins, he won't get punished. If he loses, we get to punish him together," Jaden smiled. Tyler looked at him, grinned and agreed.
All three headed to the basement. Tyler ordered Josh to fight naked, with only the metal cockcage on. Jaden was clad in his black boxer briefs. The two faced off in the middle of the basement. Josh looked at this short, skinny, weak-looking teen and laughed to himself.
"No holds barred. First to submit loses," Tyler announced.
"I'll try not to bust your pretty face up too much," the meathead told Jaden.
"You can try, big boy," Jaden laughed.
"You're pretty enough to fuck, boy. I think I may just empty these big puppies inside you when I'm done beating you up," Josh thrust his hips forward, causing his plump, cum-filled, low-hanging balls to flop about.
"Oh, dude. I don't know if you could fuck me with that little worm," Jaden mocked, pointing at Josh's micro-penis.
Enraged at the pint-sized teen's taunt, Josh lumbered towards him with his arms outstretched, planning to grab him.
"He's making this too easy for me," Jaden thought to himself as he sent a kick sailing between Josh's bulky thighs. A sickening thwack rang out, as Jaden's foot smashed into the big oaf's sizable testicles. The burly meathead howled and doubled over in agony, hugging himself as Jaden danced out of his reach. His already delicate balls were so full of cum they were much more sensitive than usual. Jaden could have finished him off right there but the sadistic teen wanted to toy with the massive bull instead of quickly beating him into submission.
Josh managed to quell the nauseating pain after a couple of minutes to continue the fight. He again lumbered towards the small, agile gymnast, trying to bear hug him. Jaden again unceremoniously kicked the oafish giant in his distended, vulnerable balls. Josh squealed and immediately folded up like a pretzel. Jaden strolled behind the doubled-over bodybuilder, smiled, and jabbed his finger between his spread cheeks right into his puckered pink asshole. Josh screamed and jumped from this new assault, almost forgetting the blazing pain in his groin. As he spun around to face his tormentor, Jaden grabbed his boulder-like shoulders and drove his knee upwards, crushing the stunned bodybuilder's bloated and battered balls against his pelvis.
Josh gasped in shock and pain, but Jaden again sent his bony knee flying into his delicate dangling testicles with ferocious force. He let out a deep guttural groan as he sank to his knees, clutching his shattered, spunk-filled balls in anguish. After reducing his enormous opponent to a much more manageable height, Jaden launched a few punches to his pudgy face. Annoyed by the stinging blows, Josh raised his brawny arms to fend off the attack. He managed to grab Jaden's arms, and cried out in triumph, thinking that he finally had his pint-sized tormentor.
His mirth was premature though. Thinking quickly, Jaden drew his foot back and sent it careening into Josh's unprotected big bobbing balls. Josh's jaw fell slack as waves of gut-wrenching pain exploded from his traumatized testicles. Stunned, he stupidly continued to hold on to Jaden's arms, as if that would help him win the fight. Unperturbed, Jaden sent a volley of savage kicks to the overgrown bodybuilder's vulnerable and rapidly-swelling sperm-tanks.
The hulking meathead finally let the ferocious gymnast go, and slumped to the floor, making high-pitched mewling noises as he curled up in the fetal position. Instead of forcing his submission, Jaden calmly sat down beside Tyler and waited for the burly brute to recover enough before dishing out more punishment.
"This is too easy. I feel kinda bad," Jaden told Tyler.
"I know. He can't fight at all. He's all brawn but no brains. You should have seen how easily I beat his big ass a couple of weeks ago," Tyler answered.
"His big balls you mean? Jaden quipped.
"Oh yeah. Those balls are so abnormally big but fucking weak! A little tap and he's crying like a baby!"
"His junk is weird. Huge fucking balls but a tiny dick smaller than my pinkie!" Jaden continued.
"I know, right! I've seen bigger dicks on all the guys in our class!" Tyler mocked.
This went on for some time. When Josh eventually recovered, he noticed that the two gymnasts were distracted by their conversation, and crept up towards them. With a loud yell, he threw himself at them, hoping that his hefty mass would be an advantage. Surprised, both teens tried to escape but the heavy goliath fell directly on Tyler while Jaden managed to dodge him just in time.
"I've got you know, bitch. I'm gonna kill you!" Josh hissed as he pinned Tyler to the ground. Tyler struggled valiantly but was no match against weight of the huge beast on top of him. Tyler began to panic with his step brother's face inches away from his own.
Thinking quickly, Jaden plunged his hands between the brute's bulging butt cheeks and grabbed his swollen, oversized gonads and pulled them towards him as hard as he could, stretching the giant's ball-cords to breaking point. Suddenly, the murderous expression on Josh's face turned into one of utter fear and shock. The bodybuilder's eye bulged out as he let out a strangled gasp.
Using the bodybuilder's pendulous scrotum as a leash, he dragged him backwards, forcing the meathead to release Tyler and crawl backwards to try to relieve the awful pain erupting from his crushed testicles and prevent them from being ripped off. Jaden hauled the screaming oaf by his elongated, stretchy ballsac around the basement. The brawny bodybuilder looked ridiculous crawling backwards as fast as he could as the wily little gymnast dragged him by his aching genitals. After a few minutes, Jaden forced the husky male to kneel in a corner.
"Bring your right arm back!" Jaden commanded. Wracked by nausea and pain from his gonads, Josh readily complied, hoping for some mercy from his diminutive but vicious opponent. Jaden twisted his thick muscled limb behind him, sending searing pain through his shoulder and arm, as he forced the whining meathead to his feet.
"Hold him there," Tyler said, walking up to his stepbrother. He grabbed his hair, pulled his head backwards, and smiled at him.
"Now I'm gonna make you regret that stunt!" he told the terrified brute.
"No please... don't please... man, please, I beg you..." Josh's pleas turned into incomprehensible blubbering screams and sobs as Tyler began speed-bagging the heavy, grapefruit-sized, cum-filled balls dangling invitingly between his trunk-like thighs.
Josh was trapped in the corner, unable to double over, and kept on his feet by Jaden's arm lock. He used his free arm to try to protect his abused genitals but because his ballsac was so saggy and pendulous, his testicles were out of his reach. Tyler was free to inflict as much pain on his big sorry balls as he liked.
Tyler continued pummeling the hysterical male's manhood for what seemed an eternity. The meaty thuds of Tyler's little fists smacking into Josh's bobbing balls turned into a squishy sound, like slapping wet dough, as the sobbing oaf's bloated baby-makers swelled from the beating. The beefy bodybuilder's large frame suddenly shuddered uncontrollably as he released a high-pitched, strangled squeak, and a stream of milky liquid began pouring from his locked cock. His hefty body went limp and he sank to the ground like a bag of wet cement. Tyler stood back and Jaden released the big man, who crumpled into a heap on the ground, breathing heavily but not responding.
"Fuck, you beat the cum of out him!" Jaden remarked, impressed. Josh had collapsed into the pool of his own jizz.
"He's out cold," Tyler continued, kicking the brawny man's body to check. They left the unconscious bodybuilder there in the basement. Jaden had a raging boner. His impressive member tented his shorts obscenely, and caught Tyler's attention.
"Wow, someone's turned on!" he commented.
"Fuck yeah. Dominating your big beefy stepbrother was such a fucking turn-on," Jaden answered.
"Can I have a few minutes alone with him when he comes to?" Jaden asked, with a grin.
"Why?" Tyler smiled.
"Well, you don't want to send me home with blue balls, do you?" Jaden replied cheekily. Tyler nodded, his own excited cock springing to full mast.
A low groan from the basement signaled that the husky meathead regained consciousness. His head groggy and swimming with pain and post-orgasmic pleasure, Josh crawled across the basement floor to his bed. All he wanted to do was sleep off the throbbing pain in his genitals.
As he pulled himself from the floor, a voice from behind started the brawny oaf.
"Hey, Tiny!" Tyler called out.
"Oh God no... please, bro... I can't take anymore. Please don't hurt me any more. My boys can't take any more, they're fucking swollen to the size of cantaloupes now," Josh pleaded pitifully, as he knelt before Jaden and Tyler. It was a ridiculous sight - a massive, almost 400 lb hulking beast was begging two tiny gymnasts, who were both barely a quarter of his size, not to hurt him.
"If you do as we ask, we won't hurt you. In fact, we will unlock your little cock and let you play with it," Jaden told him.
"Anything, man! Anything! I'll do anything. Just don't hurt my balls anymore," Josh answered, trembling with fear.
"If you try anything stupid, I promise I will break your left nut!" Tyler threatened.
"I won't, man! I swear I'll do whatever you want me to do," Josh whimpered.
Tyler unlocked Josh's cock cage, revealing his micro-dick. Jaden made Josh get on all fours and knelt behind him. Josh whined miserably, terrified that the two sadists would bust his aching balls again. Jaden gently touched and ran his fingers along the back of Josh's pendulous ballsac, lightly tapping the back and bottom of his swollen testicles. The hefty male initially whined and sniveled in panic but soon, began making little moans of pleasure. His little cock was fully erect at a ridiculous 3 inches. Jaden's fingers wandered higher, lingering on the horny male's taint before wandering to his pink asshole, the bodybuilder was in ecstasy, instinctively arching his back and spreading his thick ass-cheeks to give Jaden more access to his erogenous zones.
Tyler dropped his shorts, exposing his massive 11-inch cock. Josh was stunned at how hung his pint-sized stepbrother was. He was four times as big as Tyler but Tyler's dick was 5 times bigger than his own.
Josh's eyes rolled back and his mouth opened with desire as Jaden began thrusting his tongue in and out of his smooth hole. Tyler put his throbbing cock on Josh's lips, and the oversized bodybuilder began sucking and licking it submissively. Jaden continued rimming the burly male, driving him mad with lust.
"You won't be a virgin from today, man," Jaden whispered.
"Oh fuckkkkkkk...." Josh moaned as Jaden slid his hard 10-inch member inside him. The initial pain was replaced by immense pleasure as Jaden began thrusting hard. Tyler began throat-fucking the bodybuilder as Jaden pounded his ample ass. Soon, Jaden let out a deep moan as he emptied his load inside Josh's plump ass. Tyler also released a hot gush of his own thick jizz down Josh's throat.
Spent, both teens stood up, and Josh got on his knees. His micro-dick was throbbingly erect, as he licked their cocks clean without even being asked to.
"You're allowed to cum now, Tiny," Tyler told him.
Josh immediately began jerking himself off. The hulking male could only use two fingers to pleasure his minuscule dick - pinching it between his index finger and thumb, he made rapid but small movements until he let out a guttural groan and sent globs of grey spunk flying across the floor. The force of his orgasm mixed with the gut-wrenching pain from his busted balls was just too intense and Josh collapsed to the ground.
Jaden and Tyler left the panting, exhausted bodybuilder to wallow in a puddle of his own jizz, both talking about when they should use and abuse their muscle slave again.
"Hey Tiny!" a loud voice stirred Josh from his slumber. He had been up all night, the throbbing pain from his abused testicles made it almost impossible to sleep. He finally managed to fall into a fitful slumber and ignored the annoying voice, turned on his stomach and covered his head with his pillow.
"Wake up, Tiny!" the voice persisted.
"Lemme alone," the massive bodybuilder mumbled.
Tyler ran his little fingers along the groggy male's ass crack, tracing a line between the huge ass cheeks repeatedly.
"Don't touch my ass, fag!" Josh growled angrily as he tried to swat Tyler away.
"Ahhhh... fuck... please... I'm sorry!" the husky beast whimpered immediately as Tyler cruelly grabbed and squeezed his fat pink balls.
"What did you call me, Tiny?" Tyler demanded, crushing the fleshy orbs, sending waves of pain pulsing through Josh's ponderous frame.
"I'm sorry, sir! I'm so sorry, sir!" Josh whined miserably, now fully awake.
"You belong to me now, and I can do anything I want to you, Tiny. Isn't that right?" Tyler barked.
Josh hesitated, and Tyler slapped his trapped, swollen testicles.
"Answer me, pig!" he demanded, raining down hard slaps on the wailing giant's aching gonads.
"Yes, sir! Yes, sir!" he desperately screamed.
"Good! Now get your fat ass downstairs and make me breakfast, or I'll break your fucking weak balls!" he threatened.
Josh groaned in pain, clutching his badly-aching testicles as he ambled to the kitchen and obediently prepared breakfast for his younger step-brother.
"Good boy! Come eat with me," Tyler commented as Josh served his meal.
"Are you going to the gym today, Tiny?" Tyler asked the sullen bodybuilder as they finished eating.
"Yes, sir," he muttered in response, and was told to go to the living room when he was done cleaning the dishes.
Josh lumbered slowly to the living room, trying to stop his traumatized testicles from sloshing around too much. Tyler smiled at his 6'7", 350 lb older stepbrother and gave him a box with a bow.
"A gift for you, Tiny. Open it," he said. Josh found a metal cock cage and a few pairs of pink thongs.
"What are these?" he asked apprehensively.
"This is for your sad little dick. I don't really care to see it, and I don't want you constantly playing with it. From today, you can only cum when I allow you to," Tyler explained, as he attempted to slip it on Josh's shriveled 2 inch member.
"FUCK NO!" DON'T TOUCH MY COCK, BITCH!" Josh erupted, and tried to kick his younger brother. Tyler's lightning reflexes saved him from a devastating kick to the head in the nick of time. The gorilla of a man was blind with rage and tried to kick Tyler again. This time, the petite teenager grabbed his massive leg and as the burly bodybuilder struggled to keep his balance, Josh's leg was twice as big as Tyler's tight, wiry body but the gymnast easily held on to it and delivered a well-aimed kick to the low-hanging pair of avocado-sized testicles swinging about like a pendulum.
The huge male screamed in anguish but Tyler sent two more kicks that smashed into the pink, bobbing, jumbo-sized meatballs before flipping his leg over his head and sending the giant flying across the living room floor.
Josh lay on the cold floor, sobbing in agony, hugging himself and trying to suppress the blazing pain in his abused babymakers.
Tyler turned him on his back, and sat on his huge barrel-like chest with his butt inches from Josh's face. He slapped his micro dick about playfully, and said, "Oh when will you ever learn, Tiny? I can easily beat your fat ass, or should I say, fat balls, any time I like. If you try to fight back, I'm just gonna hurt these big worthless lumps of meat hanging between your legs!"
Tyler grabbed Josh's bloated and battered balls to drive his point home. The colossal bodybuilder sobbed loudly as the gymnast, only a quarter of his size, yanked hard on his traumatized testicles. Tyler then quickly slipped the metal cock cage which was connected to a ring that locked snugly around the base of Josh's scrotum.
"It fits! I bought the smallest size possible, and worried if that little nub you call a cock would slide right out!" Tyler mocked as Josh fumbled at the contraption locked around his manhood.
"I have the key, and I will only unlock it when you earn to privilege to get hard or cum," he told him.
"Now, Tiny, since you are now my muscle slave, I want you to only wear these beautiful satin pink thongs from now on. You are not allowed to wear any other underwear except for these. Put one on now," he continued.
Josh obeyed and turned red with shame as he looked in a mirror. He thought he looked like a fag with the pink thong flossing and showing off his large ass. The pouch in the front accentuated the his bulging oversized testicles.
"Off to the gym, big boy. I want you to get bigger for me! I expect you to grow to 400 pounds in 2 months!" Tyler commanded.
Josh was completely mortified as he entered the gym. He tried to work out but felt utterly humiliated. His neon pink thong was clearly visible beneath his skimpy white cotton shorts, particularly after he was drenched in sweat. His bulge was more obscene than ever. Guys who used to envy and admire his massive physique were laughing derisively at him. A few even made lewd comments about Josh's pink panties. Josh soldiered through his workout, and when he got home, found Tyler waiting for him.
"Take everything off except your thong," he commanded.
Josh obeyed. His legs and ass pumped from his workout, the thong appeared even tinier on his gigantic frame.
"Drink double the amount of protein you usually do. I want this husky body growing bigger!" Tyler ordered as he patted the hulking bodybuilder's chunky gut and thick chest.
Josh submissively obeyed his younger stepbrother for two weeks. He put on another 20 pounds during this period, but grew increasingly sexually frustrated from not being able to jerk off. He couldn't even get hard because of the cock ring, and became almost insane from horniness. When he thought that Tyler was out one weekend, he went to his room and rummaged through his drawers, intent on finding the key to unlock his cock cage. Tyler returned home with his friend and fellow gymnast, Jaden. Hearing the loud rustling noises from his room, Tyler and Jaden quietly sneaked over to investigate, fearing a burglar.
Much to their surprise, they saw the thick bodybuilder clad in his bright thong bent over and searching in the cabinet, his plump ass jiggling around and his fat bulge swinging between his huge thighs.
"Tiny!" Tyler said, shocking his stepbrother.
"Uh... I was looking for... the... uh..." Josh stuttered.
"Who gave you permission to go through my things?" Tyler scolded. Josh hung his head in shame and fear, terrified of the beating he expected.
"I will need to punish you for this, muscle bitch!" he went on. Jaden eyed the massive bodybuilder with lust and desire. At 4'9", and 90 lbs he was smaller than Tyler, but had always wanted to dominate a larger male.
"Let me fight him, Ty. If he wins, he won't get punished. If he loses, we get to punish him together," Jaden smiled. Tyler looked at him, grinned and agreed.
All three headed to the basement. Tyler ordered Josh to fight naked, with only the metal cockcage on. Jaden was clad in his black boxer briefs. The two faced off in the middle of the basement. Josh looked at this short, skinny, weak-looking teen and laughed to himself.
"No holds barred. First to submit loses," Tyler announced.
"I'll try not to bust your pretty face up too much," the meathead told Jaden.
"You can try, big boy," Jaden laughed.
"You're pretty enough to fuck, boy. I think I may just empty these big puppies inside you when I'm done beating you up," Josh thrust his hips forward, causing his plump, cum-filled, low-hanging balls to flop about.
"Oh, dude. I don't know if you could fuck me with that little worm," Jaden mocked, pointing at Josh's micro-penis.
Enraged at the pint-sized teen's taunt, Josh lumbered towards him with his arms outstretched, planning to grab him.
"He's making this too easy for me," Jaden thought to himself as he sent a kick sailing between Josh's bulky thighs. A sickening thwack rang out, as Jaden's foot smashed into the big oaf's sizable testicles. The burly meathead howled and doubled over in agony, hugging himself as Jaden danced out of his reach. His already delicate balls were so full of cum they were much more sensitive than usual. Jaden could have finished him off right there but the sadistic teen wanted to toy with the massive bull instead of quickly beating him into submission.
Josh managed to quell the nauseating pain after a couple of minutes to continue the fight. He again lumbered towards the small, agile gymnast, trying to bear hug him. Jaden again unceremoniously kicked the oafish giant in his distended, vulnerable balls. Josh squealed and immediately folded up like a pretzel. Jaden strolled behind the doubled-over bodybuilder, smiled, and jabbed his finger between his spread cheeks right into his puckered pink asshole. Josh screamed and jumped from this new assault, almost forgetting the blazing pain in his groin. As he spun around to face his tormentor, Jaden grabbed his boulder-like shoulders and drove his knee upwards, crushing the stunned bodybuilder's bloated and battered balls against his pelvis.
Josh gasped in shock and pain, but Jaden again sent his bony knee flying into his delicate dangling testicles with ferocious force. He let out a deep guttural groan as he sank to his knees, clutching his shattered, spunk-filled balls in anguish. After reducing his enormous opponent to a much more manageable height, Jaden launched a few punches to his pudgy face. Annoyed by the stinging blows, Josh raised his brawny arms to fend off the attack. He managed to grab Jaden's arms, and cried out in triumph, thinking that he finally had his pint-sized tormentor.
His mirth was premature though. Thinking quickly, Jaden drew his foot back and sent it careening into Josh's unprotected big bobbing balls. Josh's jaw fell slack as waves of gut-wrenching pain exploded from his traumatized testicles. Stunned, he stupidly continued to hold on to Jaden's arms, as if that would help him win the fight. Unperturbed, Jaden sent a volley of savage kicks to the overgrown bodybuilder's vulnerable and rapidly-swelling sperm-tanks.
The hulking meathead finally let the ferocious gymnast go, and slumped to the floor, making high-pitched mewling noises as he curled up in the fetal position. Instead of forcing his submission, Jaden calmly sat down beside Tyler and waited for the burly brute to recover enough before dishing out more punishment.
"This is too easy. I feel kinda bad," Jaden told Tyler.
"I know. He can't fight at all. He's all brawn but no brains. You should have seen how easily I beat his big ass a couple of weeks ago," Tyler answered.
"His big balls you mean? Jaden quipped.
"Oh yeah. Those balls are so abnormally big but fucking weak! A little tap and he's crying like a baby!"
"His junk is weird. Huge fucking balls but a tiny dick smaller than my pinkie!" Jaden continued.
"I know, right! I've seen bigger dicks on all the guys in our class!" Tyler mocked.
This went on for some time. When Josh eventually recovered, he noticed that the two gymnasts were distracted by their conversation, and crept up towards them. With a loud yell, he threw himself at them, hoping that his hefty mass would be an advantage. Surprised, both teens tried to escape but the heavy goliath fell directly on Tyler while Jaden managed to dodge him just in time.
"I've got you know, bitch. I'm gonna kill you!" Josh hissed as he pinned Tyler to the ground. Tyler struggled valiantly but was no match against weight of the huge beast on top of him. Tyler began to panic with his step brother's face inches away from his own.
Thinking quickly, Jaden plunged his hands between the brute's bulging butt cheeks and grabbed his swollen, oversized gonads and pulled them towards him as hard as he could, stretching the giant's ball-cords to breaking point. Suddenly, the murderous expression on Josh's face turned into one of utter fear and shock. The bodybuilder's eye bulged out as he let out a strangled gasp.
Using the bodybuilder's pendulous scrotum as a leash, he dragged him backwards, forcing the meathead to release Tyler and crawl backwards to try to relieve the awful pain erupting from his crushed testicles and prevent them from being ripped off. Jaden hauled the screaming oaf by his elongated, stretchy ballsac around the basement. The brawny bodybuilder looked ridiculous crawling backwards as fast as he could as the wily little gymnast dragged him by his aching genitals. After a few minutes, Jaden forced the husky male to kneel in a corner.
"Bring your right arm back!" Jaden commanded. Wracked by nausea and pain from his gonads, Josh readily complied, hoping for some mercy from his diminutive but vicious opponent. Jaden twisted his thick muscled limb behind him, sending searing pain through his shoulder and arm, as he forced the whining meathead to his feet.
"Hold him there," Tyler said, walking up to his stepbrother. He grabbed his hair, pulled his head backwards, and smiled at him.
"Now I'm gonna make you regret that stunt!" he told the terrified brute.
"No please... don't please... man, please, I beg you..." Josh's pleas turned into incomprehensible blubbering screams and sobs as Tyler began speed-bagging the heavy, grapefruit-sized, cum-filled balls dangling invitingly between his trunk-like thighs.
Josh was trapped in the corner, unable to double over, and kept on his feet by Jaden's arm lock. He used his free arm to try to protect his abused genitals but because his ballsac was so saggy and pendulous, his testicles were out of his reach. Tyler was free to inflict as much pain on his big sorry balls as he liked.
Tyler continued pummeling the hysterical male's manhood for what seemed an eternity. The meaty thuds of Tyler's little fists smacking into Josh's bobbing balls turned into a squishy sound, like slapping wet dough, as the sobbing oaf's bloated baby-makers swelled from the beating. The beefy bodybuilder's large frame suddenly shuddered uncontrollably as he released a high-pitched, strangled squeak, and a stream of milky liquid began pouring from his locked cock. His hefty body went limp and he sank to the ground like a bag of wet cement. Tyler stood back and Jaden released the big man, who crumpled into a heap on the ground, breathing heavily but not responding.
"Fuck, you beat the cum of out him!" Jaden remarked, impressed. Josh had collapsed into the pool of his own jizz.
"He's out cold," Tyler continued, kicking the brawny man's body to check. They left the unconscious bodybuilder there in the basement. Jaden had a raging boner. His impressive member tented his shorts obscenely, and caught Tyler's attention.
"Wow, someone's turned on!" he commented.
"Fuck yeah. Dominating your big beefy stepbrother was such a fucking turn-on," Jaden answered.
"Can I have a few minutes alone with him when he comes to?" Jaden asked, with a grin.
"Why?" Tyler smiled.
"Well, you don't want to send me home with blue balls, do you?" Jaden replied cheekily. Tyler nodded, his own excited cock springing to full mast.
A low groan from the basement signaled that the husky meathead regained consciousness. His head groggy and swimming with pain and post-orgasmic pleasure, Josh crawled across the basement floor to his bed. All he wanted to do was sleep off the throbbing pain in his genitals.
As he pulled himself from the floor, a voice from behind started the brawny oaf.
"Hey, Tiny!" Tyler called out.
"Oh God no... please, bro... I can't take anymore. Please don't hurt me any more. My boys can't take any more, they're fucking swollen to the size of cantaloupes now," Josh pleaded pitifully, as he knelt before Jaden and Tyler. It was a ridiculous sight - a massive, almost 400 lb hulking beast was begging two tiny gymnasts, who were both barely a quarter of his size, not to hurt him.
"If you do as we ask, we won't hurt you. In fact, we will unlock your little cock and let you play with it," Jaden told him.
"Anything, man! Anything! I'll do anything. Just don't hurt my balls anymore," Josh answered, trembling with fear.
"If you try anything stupid, I promise I will break your left nut!" Tyler threatened.
"I won't, man! I swear I'll do whatever you want me to do," Josh whimpered.
Tyler unlocked Josh's cock cage, revealing his micro-dick. Jaden made Josh get on all fours and knelt behind him. Josh whined miserably, terrified that the two sadists would bust his aching balls again. Jaden gently touched and ran his fingers along the back of Josh's pendulous ballsac, lightly tapping the back and bottom of his swollen testicles. The hefty male initially whined and sniveled in panic but soon, began making little moans of pleasure. His little cock was fully erect at a ridiculous 3 inches. Jaden's fingers wandered higher, lingering on the horny male's taint before wandering to his pink asshole, the bodybuilder was in ecstasy, instinctively arching his back and spreading his thick ass-cheeks to give Jaden more access to his erogenous zones.
Tyler dropped his shorts, exposing his massive 11-inch cock. Josh was stunned at how hung his pint-sized stepbrother was. He was four times as big as Tyler but Tyler's dick was 5 times bigger than his own.
Josh's eyes rolled back and his mouth opened with desire as Jaden began thrusting his tongue in and out of his smooth hole. Tyler put his throbbing cock on Josh's lips, and the oversized bodybuilder began sucking and licking it submissively. Jaden continued rimming the burly male, driving him mad with lust.
"You won't be a virgin from today, man," Jaden whispered.
"Oh fuckkkkkkk...." Josh moaned as Jaden slid his hard 10-inch member inside him. The initial pain was replaced by immense pleasure as Jaden began thrusting hard. Tyler began throat-fucking the bodybuilder as Jaden pounded his ample ass. Soon, Jaden let out a deep moan as he emptied his load inside Josh's plump ass. Tyler also released a hot gush of his own thick jizz down Josh's throat.
Spent, both teens stood up, and Josh got on his knees. His micro-dick was throbbingly erect, as he licked their cocks clean without even being asked to.
"You're allowed to cum now, Tiny," Tyler told him.
Josh immediately began jerking himself off. The hulking male could only use two fingers to pleasure his minuscule dick - pinching it between his index finger and thumb, he made rapid but small movements until he let out a guttural groan and sent globs of grey spunk flying across the floor. The force of his orgasm mixed with the gut-wrenching pain from his busted balls was just too intense and Josh collapsed to the ground.
Jaden and Tyler left the panting, exhausted bodybuilder to wallow in a puddle of his own jizz, both talking about when they should use and abuse their muscle slave again.